Montage Africa Advertising

Scale. Influence. Integrity.

Advertise with Montage Africa

Reach out to our advertising specialists to learn more about how we can build your brand on Montage Africa.

We understand that measuring the effectiveness of your campaigns is increasingly tricky. Metrics are all over the shop. Fraud is pervasive. Levels of effectiveness are falling and public trust in advertising is at an all time low. Marketers need to prove the real-world impact of their campaigns.

This is why we’re taking the time to understand how advertising works on our site so we can make sure we’re delivering effective results for you.

We commissioned an effectiveness study over a 12 month period, analysing more than 300 client advertising effectiveness studies across both branded content and digital display. For branded content we used T&C studies for our benchmarks into brand metrics (uplift between test and control group) and then T&C or Pre/Post wave studies (post-wave/test group score) for benchmarks on campaign metrics. Digital display uplifts were taken from brand effectiveness specialists, Brand Metrics, and their independent methodology.

Reach a progressive audience using our variety of engaging formats

General Info

Address: 15 Lungi St, Wuse, Abuja 904101, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
Tel: +234 816 428 2000
Tel: ++27 71 923 8449